BLD Women in the Industry – Trust Series 2023

BLD Women in the Industry – Trust Series 2023
Teri Trask - T2 Training
Please note – the 2024 Women in the Industry series starts May 7, 2024. Click HERE for details and registration.
The Women in the Industry quarterly Lunch & Learn sessions were designed to provide a positive, supportive space for women in our industry to learn from each other and encourage each other, resulting in personal and professional growth for all participants. Each power hour session included community building connection time followed with an opportunity to explore content and commit to next steps with fellow participants serving as accountability partners in the process.
We chose TRUST as the focus of our 2023 series. Why? Because the number one indicator of success in all organizations is the relationship of the adults in the organization and the basis of all relationships is TRUST.
We used Brené Brown‘s Anatomy of Trust, BRAVING acronym from her book, Dare to Lead, and Stephen Covey’s 13 behaviors of high trust from his book, Speed of Trust, for the focus of our work. We invite you to use the information below to reflect on your own relationships and consider what.
The BRAVING Inventory – Dare to Lead, Brené Brown
BOUNDARIES | Setting boundaries is making clear what’s ok, and why. |
RELIABILITY | You do what you say you’ll do. At work, this means staying aware of your competencies and limitations, so you don’t overpromise and are able to deliver on commitments and balance competing priorities. |
ACCOUNTABILITY | You own your mistakes, apologize, and make amends. |
VAULT | You don’t share information or experiences that are not yours to share. I need to know that my confidences are kept, and that you’re not sharing with me any information that should be confidential. |
INTEGRITY | Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast, or easy; and practicing your values, not just professing them. |
NONJUDGEMENT | I can ask for what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can talk about how we feel without judgement. |
GENEROSITY | Extending the most generous interpretation to the intentions, words, and actions of others. |
For a quick overview of 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders, click HERE.
These 13 Behaviors are common to high-trust leaders and people throughout the world. As you work on behaving in ways that build trust, one helpful way to visualize and quantify your efforts is by thinking in terms of "Trust Accounts." Remember, just like relationships, each trust account is unique; all deposits and withdrawals are not created equal; and what constitutes a deposit to one person may not to another.
All 13 Behaviors require a combination of both character and competence. The first five flow initially from character, the second five from competence, and the last three from an almost equal mix of character and competence. Taken to the extreme, however, these Behaviors do not build trust, and the "opposite" or "counterfeit" of each Behavior creates the biggest withdrawals.
Behavior #1: Talk Straight. Communicate clearly so that you cannot be misunderstood. Preface your discussions by declaring your intent, so you leave no doubt about what you are thinking. Counterfeit behaviors include withholding information, flattery, and spin. Be honest and call things what they are. Don't manipulate people, distort facts, or leave false impressions.
Behavior #2: Demonstrate Respect. This behavior is based on the principles of respect, fairness, kindness, love, and civility. The opposite is commonly experienced as showing disrespect, which is a huge issue, both at work and at home. The counterfeit is to fake respect or concern, or most insidious of all, to show respect and concern for only those who can do something for you.
Behavior #3: Create Transparency. Be real and genuine and tell the truth in a way that people can verify. The opposite is too obscure, and the counterfeit is an illusion of pretending things are different than they are. You can establish trust quickly by being open and authentic, erring on the side of disclosure and not having hidden agendas.
Behavior #4: Right Wrongs. Make restitution instead of just apologizing. The opposite is to deny or justify wrongs because of ego and pride, and the counterfeit is to cover up mistakes. Apologize quickly, take action to make restitution when possible, and demonstrate personal humility to achieve this behavior.
Behavior #5: Show Loyalty. Give credit to others and speak about people as though they are present. The opposite is to take credit or not represent people fairly. The counterfeit is to appear to share credit but then downplay others' contribution when they are away. To exhibit a trustworthy character, give credit freely, don't badmouth people behind their backs and don't disclose others' private information.
Behavior #6: Deliver Results. This is a way to convert cynics and establish trust in a new relationship. Because it is often difficult to measure results, take time to define results upfront. By establishing a track record, making the right things happen, being on time and on budget, and not making excuses for not delivering, you quickly restore lost trust on the competence side.
Behavior #7: Get Better. Continuously improve by learning, growing, and renewing yourself. Others will develop confidence in your ability to succeed in a rapidly changing environment. The opposite is entropy and deterioration, while counterfeit is the eternal student - always learning, but never producing. Don't be afraid to make mistakes but learn from them. Develop formal and informal feedback systems and respond to them.
Behavior #8: Confront Reality. Take the tough issues head-on. This affects speed and cost by facilitating open interaction and fast achievement and allowing you to engage the creativity, capability, and synergy of others in solving problems. When leaders use the opposite behavior by ignoring problems, they pay a huge tax when people feel they are being dishonest. It is far better to address the real issues and lead courageously in discussions of uncomfortable topics.
Behavior #9: Clarify Expectations. Create shared vision and agreement up front. The opposite is to leave undefined expectations and the counterfeit is to be vague about specifics. Consider that most circumstances encompass three variables - quality, speed, and cost - but you can only have two. Always discuss and reveal expectations, and never assume they are clear or shared. Renegotiate, if necessary, but don't violate expectations once they have been validated.
Behavior #10: Practice Accountability. Hold yourself and others accountable. Leaders who generate trust do both. The opposite is not to take responsibility, and the counterfeit is to point fingers. Other people respond to accountability - particularly performers. They want to be held accountable. Don't avoid or shirk responsibility and be clear on how you'll communicate progress.
Behavior #11: Listen First. Genuinely understand another person's thoughts and feelings, before trying to diagnose or advise. The opposite and counterfeit are to speak first and listen last, or not at all, and to pretend to listen while waiting for your own chance to speak. Listening teaches you which behaviors create dividends. Use your eyes and your gut to listen as well as your ears, and don't presume you know what matters to others.
Behavior #12: Keep Commitments. It is the quickest way to build trust in any relationship. The opposite is to break commitments and the counterfeit is to make vague, unreliable commitments, or never make them in the first place. Some cultures view commitments differently, and understanding the difference is key to getting dividends and avoiding trust taxes. People tend to see family commitments as more flexible than work commitments, but they are just as important. Make keeping all commitments the symbol of your honor.
Behavior #13: Extend Trust. Shift trust from a noun to a verb. While the other Behaviors help you become a more trusted person or manager, this 13th Behavior helps you become a more trusting leader. Extending trust leverages it to create reciprocity. The opposite is withholding trust. The counterfeit is extending false trust by giving people responsibility, but no authority or resources to complete a task. There is also fake trust that seems like trust until you follow-up behind people and micromanage. Based on the situation, extend conditionally to those who are earning your trust, but extend it abundantly to those who have earned it.
- Which one of the elements/behaviors comes most naturally for you & how?
- Which one do you find the most challenging & why?
- What is ONE STEP you can take toward improvement?
- IDEA: Rank 1-4, individual & team – Now What?
About BLD Connection “Women in the LBM Industry” facilitator, Teri Trask
Owner of T2 Training, Teri Trask makes her home in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she enjoys wearing the hats of Executive Coach (ICF certified), Facilitator, Speaker, and Consultant. Teri received her BA and MA from the University of Northern Iowa. She has returned to her Panther Pride roots and currently serves as a PRP (Professional Readiness Program) trainer in the College of Business at the University of Northern Iowa. She also supports leadership development for all ages as a consultant with the Franklin Covey Company. Teri has a “pay it forward” philosophy and can frequently be found educating, inspiring, and entertaining the public on all aspects of personal development and leadership. She has been dubbed an “Enthusiologist Extraordinaire” as she is known for her no-nonsense approach and the passion, energy, optimism, and engaging style she brings to the table.
Additional Info
Source : Teri Trask, T2 Training