Women in the Industry Lunch & Learn

Women in the Industry Lunch & Learn
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM) (CDT)
Grab your lunch and join us online to connect with your peers. These interactive events, offer the opportunity to meet other women from both the retail and supply side of the lumber and building materials industry. Gain new perspectives, ask questions, and share your insights, all while developing new strategies to help you in your personal and professional growth.
During our September meeting we'll continue to focus on The POWER of WHY - When you know your WHY, you can navigate the WAY … and even enjoy it! Join Teri Trask, Enthusiologist Extraordinaire, for an opportunity to tap into your why and focus on moving your head, heart, and feet in the same direction.
Thanks to our group sponsor, Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co., there is no cost to attend but we ask that you pre-register to receive a join link.
This group is open to BLD Connection members only.
About our Facilitator:
Owner of T2 Training, Teri Trask makes her home in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where she enjoys wearing the hats of Executive Coach (ICF certified), Facilitator, Speaker, and Consultant. Teri received her BA and MA from the University of Northern Iowa. She has returned to her Panther Pride roots and currently serves as a PRP (Professional Readiness Program) trainer in the College of Business at the University of Northern Iowa. She also supports leadership development for all ages as a consultant with the Franklin Covey Company. Teri has a “pay it forward” philosophy and can frequently be found educating, inspiring, and entertaining the public on all aspects of personal development and leadership. She has been dubbed an “Enthusiologist Extraordinaire” as she is known for her no-nonsense approach and the passion, energy, optimism, and engaging style she brings to the table.